
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Law of Attraction

Are you truly passionate about what you do? When you wake up in the morning, are you excited to get your day going? Or are you like the people in the commercial where the whole town climbs the hill on the horizon to fight the sun rise on Monday morning? If you answered yes because you’re passionate about what you do, congratulations! If you answered no, then, I’m sorry to hear it. My next question then would be, why?

There can be many different reasons why you don’t follow your dreams and passions. A popular one would be financial security. You took a job and made decent money, then you probably bought a house, a car and you like to go on vacations and you have bills to pay. So, in a way you can’t follow your true dreams because your financial responsibilities, right? So, what to do? You could continue to get up in the morning and walk through the same painful routine as always. In this case you will naturally reassure yourself why, you can’t take a risk and do what you love.

I’d like to reference a great movie “The Secret”. For anyone who hasn’t watched it, I recommend it. You can watch a good chunk of it for free when you search in Google Video. Again, I highly recommend it for anyone who hasn’t watched it. The law of attraction is the entire concept of the film. Whether we like it or not we attract everything in our lives. It can be a tough pill to swallow for some of us out there. However, the sooner you can finally swallow that pill and face reality that we control our fate, the sooner you can give up that job you can’t stand and begin to live your life to the fullest.

Before I wrap up, I want to make reference to Jack Canfield. Jack Canfield is the author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul collection. He is also going to be in London ON this month too! In The Secret, Jack shares his experiences with the law of attraction. As a struggling author with little money he was facing some very tough times mentally. Finally at one point he decided he was going to make 1 million dollars! This is a huge goal and in most minds a distant dream. So what he did next was very powerful. He took a marker and turned a bill of low denomination into a 1 million dollar bill. Next, he taped the 1 million dollar bill on the ceiling above his bed where he would see it each and every morning as he awoke.

Less than 1 year later Jack had made his 1 million dollars. He actually made much more than that. His first edition of Chicken Soup for the Soul took off. He had taken the power of the laws of attraction and turned it into his dream. If you are thinking this is a scam, good luck to you. I say that for one reason, if you think it is a scam, then you’re telling yourself it could never happen. You’re thinking, yeah right, like I’d ever be able to make a million dollars with a stupid bill taped on my ceiling. You’re right. with that state of mind you’re attracting your results. It’s a simple cause and effect.

Visualize your dreams, talk about them with others and believe you can make them happen. This is the first step in achieving self fulfillment.

Scott Wain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like this way of thinking! What I find difficult and maybe others do as well, is to find what I am truly passionate about, finding that inner genius. Many books suggest to find this through meditation and self referral. Find your true life purpose and you will find a true purpose to your life.

Keep the blogs coming Scotty!