
Friday, January 25, 2008

Mind over Matter

Do you ever think of how we allow people to change how we feel? You may notice that if we are in a bad mood, it's very hard for us to actually become happy. To change from a negative state of mind to a positive state of mind, just isn't easy. However, you could be having the best day ever and some jerk comes along and says something to you and in an instant you went from having a great day, to having the worst day. It's weird when you think of it like that isn't it.

Are you adding to someone’s day or taking away from it? You don't want to be that jerk that puts someone in a bad mood, do you? It doesn't take much. It doesn't even have to be an exchange of words. Maybe a car horn or someone just flipping you the bird!

Unfortunately, we are all programmed the same way to a certain extent. Growing up over time, we have developed a thought process by each of the millions of interactions we have had throughout our lives. Our self-talk or our conscious if you will, is always working. When you're driving your car or just walking down the street, you're having a conversation with your self.

The way in which you talk to your self can have a profound affect on how you react in any one situation. Good or bad. We can all remember a time where we looked back on a situation and we tell our self "You idiot, why did you say that?" At that very moment you have literally beat your self up inside your own mind. Thoughts that jump into your mind where you’re calling your self an idiot aren't very positive at all. These natural tendencies are some of the reasons why we have such a hard time being positive. Our self-talk is the culprit.

The choice is yours. If you choose to limit your happy times and allow our natural negativity control your days, it's all on you.

Be nice, and remember, the only things we truly have control over are our thoughts!

Scott Wain


Anonymous said...

Hey Scotty! Excellent blog. I noticed the titles of the books you've been reading. Are they all about how to be successful in owning a business or are there tips for getting ahead financially in your personal life? Please share!
Jenny M

Anonymous said...

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts..... I like your style Scotty Wain!

Anonymous said...

I agree that our thoughts are one of the few things we can control, excellent points. Awareness precedes actions, and actions precedes results/success. keep the blogs coming!