I wanted to thank everyone for their emails and comments on the first few posts I've written. I'm happy to see the positive responses. I've been thinking about these comments and it reminded me of expectations and opinions and again how important the quality of our thoughts truly are.
Here is a great quote from an inspiration of mine and probably anyone who has read any of Robin Sharma’s “The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari” books. I owe this reminder to Joe.
“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts”
Keep this in mind as you read this post, actually, write this quote down and put it on the fridge or microwave for a frequent reminder.
It's fair to say that in life we have so many expectations. These are expectations we place on ourselves, and from others. Now, where do you draw the line on what expectations are reasonable and which opinions are of value? An unfortunate practice for most of us is we often place more importance on the expectations and opinions of others.
Over the weekend my wife and I visited some friends of ours and their six month old baby. She is so cute by the way. One of the frustrations our friends have noticed over the last six months is how everyone has their own opinions on how to look after their new baby. Now, all are of good will and mean no harm, however, it’s important not only as parents but as human beings to be able to turn on our internal filter. Are you allowing external pressures from friends and family to influence decisions that don’t line up with your goals or values?
As human beings we long for love and acceptance. Throughout our life this yearning sneaks up on us and places us in positions where we question our goals and values.
Keep in mind, following the crowd can work for you and against you. Which crowd do you wish to follow? The company in which you surround yourself with will often determine the path you are on.
If you wish to have a financial freedom, it’s a good idea to find a way to surround yourself with individuals who are like minded and or have already achieved the status. If you choose to raise a great family, spend time with friends who have raised great kids.
Now, I’m not suggesting that you drop any of your friends who aren’t loaded, I’m merely pointing out that your thoughts will begin to change. When you are accompanied by people on the same wave length and who have achieved what it is you are chasing, amazing things will begin to happen. The quality of your thoughts will change!
I’ve ended my first few posts with a personal quote, “The only things we truly have control over are our thoughts!” I’d like to add to that today. Any goals you may have, regardless of how far or “crazy” they may be, don’t let anyone discourage you. Most people can’t see the big picture, the natural progression, is for them to tell you you’re “crazy”.
Can you picture Thomas Edison back in the day telling his peers he’s going to create a light bulb? I’m sure there were a few naysayers! He failed 10,000 times before he perfected the incandescent light bulb!
Remember, any great discovery or achievement began with a single thought! Tomorrow we'll discuss goals and how to chase them.
Scott Wain
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