I want to talk a little bit about goals today. One of the main reasons is that, I have made a goal for myself to immediately adopt a healthier lifestyle. It isn’t a New Year’s resolution, because I’ve only just started going gym. We could call it a longer life resolution, if you like.
How many of you have goals? I’m sure most of you. Now of the individuals who have goals, how many of you have them written down? Of the few who have them written down, how many of you have your main goal broken down into small manageable tasks? Now, of the fewer, which of you truly review them regularly? By monitoring our progress we can allow for adjustments. Certain things may come up overtime that can interfere with the achievement of one of our goals. Don’t stress! We make a minor adjustment and away we go!
The importance of recording your goals is of the utmost. Taking the time to sit down and review your goals is critical. The significance of evaluating the progress of your goals is to measure where you are and how close you are to achieving them. If you don’t break them down into small manageable tasks, the goal can seem daunting. In this case you can easily convince yourself it was an outrageous goal in the first place. We will justify in our minds why we didn’t accomplish something if we don’t protect against it. Think of each task as a small goal on its own. It’s like a check list. Slowly but surely you check them off as you go. When you’ve reach a milestone, reward yourself with something you love. This will give you something tangible to reach for. You see, once you are underway and you are slugging through the hustle and bustle, you may slowly veer off course. This is the time where you look back and ask yourself “what happened?” Or you tell yourself “it wasn’t possible anyway.”
I am guilty of this many times over. Looking back it’s mainly because A) I didn’t actually record a goal. B) If I did record it, I didn’t review it frequently. Or C) I didn’t assign a timeline to it. It is extremely important that you assign a deal line for completion of the goal. If you want to like me, adopt a healthier lifestyle, you have to assign specifics of how you want to adopt it. For example: Attend the gym regularly, plan my meals for the week, not eating after 8pm, drink lots of water, get on the ice for some shinny at least once a week, etc… The mind is easily distracted these days. We have so many things being thrown at us from all angles. Don’t leave it up to your intuition to figure this out all on its own. Be specific, assign a time line and post it where you’ll constantly be reminded of it.
So let’s take a moment to recap our steps in completing and achieving a goal.
- Write your goal down.
- Break your goal down in to small manageable tasks.
- Assign a timeline for achieving your goal.
- Check the tasks off your list as you complete them.
- Reward yourself for reaching certain milestones.
- Review your progress and adjust for changes.
- Tell everyone you are going to accomplish your goal. This one is powerful.
You are on your way to chasing your dreams. I encourage you to put these practices to the test. Please feel free to share any milestones you have met. I love success stories.
The last point in the recap is about intrinsic pressure. A great topic for another day!
Remember, anything is possible!
Scott Wain
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